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To be clear, you’re not hiring a rep-counting cheerleader. My job is to be your coach, your physical literacy consultant; my goal is to guide you towards health, athleticism, and pain-free performance. As we work together you’ll learn about the specific exercises, habits, and techniques that you need to improve upon your strengths and eliminate your weaknesses. No more painful, poorly planned workouts. No more ineffective and inconsistent exercise. It’s just you, me, and the perfect training plan to finally get you to your goals.


During each training session you’ll receive focused one-on-one coaching, all while learning specific habits and techniques that will change the way you look, feel, and perform. Throughout the session we’ll use a variety of different training modalities, all carefully chosen to get you to your goals as fast as possible.

During each training session you’ll receive focused one-on-one coaching, all while learning specific habits and techniques that will change the way you look, feel, and perform. Throughout the session we’ll use a variety of different training modalities, all carefully chosen to get you to your goals as fast as possible.

Boxing / kickboxing

Strike and move like a professional. During each session you’ll train like a fighter and learn the principles of combat strategy and technique, without any of the fluff of fad “boxercise”-style training. Learning how to box or kickbox well is one of the most fun ways to improve your conditioning, athleticism, and confidence.

Strike and move like a professional. During each session you’ll train like a fighter and learn the principles of combat strategy and technique, without any of the fluff of fad “boxercise”-style training. Learning how to box or kickbox well is one of the most fun ways to improve your conditioning, athleticism, and confidence.

Online Coaching

Each month you’ll chip away at a customized training program with detailed text and video descriptions of each exercise. On top of that, you’ll get a 45-minute coaching call where we troubleshoot anything and everything related to how you train and recover. You’ll also be granted access to a sweet piece of training software that keeps you accountable, tracks your progress, and allows you to communicate with me on a regular basis. Finally, you’ll receive weekly one-on-one email support to continuously shore up your physical literacy.

Each month you’ll chip away at a customized training program with detailed text and video descriptions of each exercise. On top of that, you’ll get a 45-minute coaching call where we troubleshoot anything and everything related to how you train and recover. You’ll also be granted access to a sweet piece of training software that keeps you accountable, tracks your progress, and allows you to communicate with me on a regular basis. Finally, you’ll receive weekly one-on-one email support to continuously shore up your physical literacy.

Training programs

Each month you’ll chip away at a training program that’s customized to your specific needs and goals. You’ll also be granted access to a sweet piece of training software that keeps you accountable, tracks your progress, and allows you to communicate with me on a regular basis.

Each month you’ll chip away at a training program that’s customized to your specific needs and goals. You’ll also be granted access to a sweet piece of training software that keeps you accountable, tracks your progress, and allows you to communicate with me on a regular basis.



Nothing gets me more fired up than helping physical activity enthusiasts achieve complete health and pain-free performance. So if you’re ready to get (and stay) in superhuman shape, eliminate your pain, or become a better athlete, fill out the contact form below and we’ll create a game plan to get you to your goals!