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Training Philosophy

how I coach

Consistent exercise is the cornerstone for perfect health. But contrary to popular belief, exercise isn’t about treadmill-ing yourself into a sweaty coma because you’re guilty about the pizza you ate last night. Exercise should be about finding the physical activities and sports that are fun for you, and doing those as much as possible! And to be in a position where you’re resilient enough to consistently do the activities that you love, you need to follow a well-planned training program and have a high level of physical literacy.



“Exercise” is not simply a box to cross off on your daily to-do list. While everyone else is out there living a numb existence that’s occasionally interrupted with an hour of mindless “training”, you aim to connect with and live in your body. You love certain physical activities and sports, and use them to play your way to better health. You know that it feels great to move, and that it allows you to become a happier, higher performing human being.


You must engage in structured training to aid your active lifestyle.  You should ensure that your structured training program uses an individualized, multidisciplinary, and principles-based approach to accomplish the following…

    • Improve athleticism and eliminate chronic pain (i.e. updating the software that controls your body).
    • Develop functional strength and resilience (i.e. building the hardware that is in essence, your body).


To become a healthy, well-rounded savage and stay that way, you must improve your physical literacy: the applied understanding of how to move well and recover effectively. Work with me to learn about your unique weaknesses and strengths, and eventually you will possess the tools necessary to steer your body in the direction that you want it to go. In other words, you’ll have a high level of physical literacy! Now isn’t that empowering and exciting? “Teach a man to fish, blah blah blah.”

in-person training

Focused in-person coaching that’s calibrated to your unique goals and needs.


One on one pad work to get you moving, striking, and feeling like a savage.


Online coaching that allows for more freedom and flexibility than its in-person counterparts.


Customized training programs that are designed to improve your unique strengths and eliminate your glaring weaknesses.



Nothing gets me more fired up than helping physical activity enthusiasts achieve complete health and pain-free performance. So if you’re ready to get (and stay) in superhuman shape, eliminate your pain, or become a better athlete, fill out the contact form below and we’ll create a game plan to get you to your goals!