Write Your Way to Better Health
Learn how to journal effectively so that you can feel sustainably good, from the inside out.
Social Media Harm Reduction
Drugs can be useful and fun, but chronic use will ultimately ruin you. Social media is exactly the same. Let me explain.
The Aerobic Strength Circuit
A style of training that builds both ends of the fitness spectrum: The Aerobic Strength Circuit.
Physical Activity Vs. Exercise
Our physiology is tailored for constant movement, while the status quo of modern living has normalized the morbidly sedentary lifestyle. Let's do something about it.
Train By Feel (Autoregulated Daily Undulating Periodization)
To consistently perform and feel great, you must train according to how you feel.
The Adult Pacifier
Spend time away from social media in order to improve mental health and reacquaint yourself with yourself.
A User’s Guide to Rest
A guide to rest, specifically for high-strung individuals who suck at doing it.
Rep Ranges: Train for Your Goals
Receive a crash course on the pros and cons of high-rep versus low-rep strength training!
How to Get (And Stay) in Shape
Key training concepts (people NEVER talk about) that will undoubtedly boost your consistency in the gym.